UAB Kronospan Trading

Raudondvario pl. 242 L
LT - 47158, Kaunas


Atgal į „Visi renginiai“
Šalis: Greece
Miestas: Athens
Datos: 04.04.2024 - 07.04.2024
Halė: Hall 3 | Stand C2

For another year, Kronospan takes part in the Medwood exhibition, which facilitates direct communication in the wood products industry and focuses on emerging furniture trends. It stands as the premier exhibition event for Greece and the wider Balkan region.

At the Kronospan booth, attendees experience a showcase of cutting-edge materials tailored to meet the industry's evolving demands. With stunning decors and textures, digitally printed designs, and waterproof solutions, our diverse range of decorative interior products reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation.

Our participation in the fair is a must-visit destination for design professionals, architects, and industry enthusiasts alike. We continue the ongoing dialogue surrounding the future of wood-based panels and technology.

Ši svetainė naudoja funkcinius slapukus ir anonimines stebėjimo technologijas, padedančias naviguoti ir tobulinti rinkodaros paslaugas. Priimkite arba atsisakykite funkcinių slapukų išsaugojimo pasirinkdami vieną iš parinkčių. Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos, perskaitykite mūsų Privatumo politiką.