UAB Kronospan Trading

Raudondvario pl. 242 L
LT - 47158, Kaunas


Atgal į „Visi renginiai“
Bau 2023
Šalis: Germany
Miestas: Munich
Datos: 17.04.2023 - 22.04.2023
Halė: Hall B5, Stand 339 & 538
Prekių ženklai: Kronodesign®, Kronobuild®, Krono Original®, KronoArt®, ROCKO®, Skin, Kaindl®

Kronospan and Kaindl together had the pleasure of participating in BAU Münich 2023, the world's leading trade fair for architecture, construction materials and interior works.

The focal point of this year's exhibition was the challenge of climate change. In line with the principles of the circular economy, we еmphasized on our CO2-negative products - the made of recycled wood OSB Next Generation panels, the updated Kronoart collections for facade cladding and the innovative Krono Original flooring range, as well as the newest products from Kaindl Boards & Flooring.

We value natural resources and strive to redesign the built environment.

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