- 1clic 2go pure+
- Utilization Class 23
- Utilization Class 33
- AC Class 5
- Residential guarantee 30 years
- Real groove
- A.B.C. Anti Bacterial Comfort
- Microscratch Protect
- Light-resistant
- Pet proof
- Anti-static

5947 HO Historic Oak

K035 AS Crosstown Traffic

K224 NL Wild West Oak

K230 TO Golden Vista Oak

K231 TO Misty Plains Oak

K385 RT Ice Flow

K387 OS Silverado Slate

K389 OS Nightfall Slate

K395 NL Tornado Oak

K405 NL Solar Oak

K406 NL Eurus Oak

K479 CM Espresso Carpenter Oak

K665 ET Copper Ethereal Oak

K668 ET Mist Ethereal Oak