ТОВ ''Кроноспан УА''

вул. Луцька, 20
Волинська обл., м. Нововолинськ
45400, Україна


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Wood Design Show
Країна: Canada
Місто: Montreal
Місце знаходження: Palais des Congrès de Montréal
Дати: 09.10.2024 - 10.10.2024
Зала: Stand 9
Бренди: Kronodesign®, ROCKO®

Considered one of the most influential events for industry leaders including architects, designers, cabinetmakers, woodworkers, manufacturers, contractors, and other related professionals, the Wood Design Show is the ideal setting for companies to launch new products, present their latest innovations, and connect with clients, prospects, and industry professionals.

In an era when the design landscape is constantly evolving, professionals in the woodworking industry must remain vigilant, adaptive, and forward-thinking. If you have the chance to visit Canada in October, join us at the Wood Design Show in Montreal, where Kronospan’s distributor - Robert Bury will present a selection of Kronodesign and Rocko Tiles decors based on the taste and trends in the Canadian market.


We look forward to meeting you!

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