Kronospan, S.L.

Barrio de Castañares,
s/n 09199 Burgos, Spain


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Intermob 2022
País: Turkey
Ciudad: Istanbul
Fechas: 22.10.2022 - 26.10.2022
Vestíbulo: Hall: 7, Booth: 707
Marcas: Kronodesign®, Kronobuild®, Krono Original®, ROCKO®

Kronospan is inviting you to its stand during the International Furniture Side Industry, Accessories, Forestry Products, and Wood Technology Fair in Istanbul, Turkey. During the fair, you will be able to see Kronodesign Trends decors, Feelness collection, Rocko SPC flooring, Krono Original's laminate flooring, as well as Kronobuild® range of wood-based panels for the building and construction industries.

Come and explore the most comprehensive range of wood-based materials in furniture manufacturing, architecture, interior design, and construction on stand 707, in hall 7.

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