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K409 Black Pietra Marble

ألوان أخرى:
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Black Pietra Marble features deep, rich black tones accentuated by striking white veining that weaves across its surface, creating a dramatic and sophisticated look. This marble decor exudes elegance and can serve as a stunning centerpiece in any room. It can work in great harmony with plain colors, natural woods, concrete and metal decors.

نوع الديكور
  • أسود
  • رخام
  • مجموعة ديكورات
  • Black Line Tops
  • الملمس
  • BS Bureau Structure
  • The displayed decor may differ from the actual product.

    For accurate color matching, use an original sample.

    Black Line

    Black Line is a solid HPL compact board combining aesthetic appeal and practical functionality.


    مقاوم للماء
    متانة عالية
    مقاوم للصدمات
    سطح مضاد للجراثيم


    واجهات أمامية خارجية
    أسطح داخلية
    الشكل(mm) 12

    K409 BS Black Pietra Marble