Lučenecká cesta 1335/21
SK - 960 01 Zvolen


Lučenecká cesta 1335/21
SK - 960 01 Zvolen


Lučenecká cesta 1335/21
SK - 960 01 Zvolen

Embracing the Golden Years

The golden years bring many changes. Children leave home. Working activity is coming to an end. Many people start to ask themselves about the right type of living for retirement.

The organization SCHÖNES LEBEN Gruppe offers exclusive service living for both active people and people in need of care and nursing, providing a wonderful experience with a first-class quality of life. In this endeavor to craft an environment that fosters comfort, dignity, and aesthetic delight for retirees, the choice of interior solution plays a pivotal role.

Common areas, where everyone gathers for dining, small talks, or table games, are significant in social life for that age group. The Kronodesign AL04 Brushed Gold and K023 SU Venato, two exquisite selections, elevate the ambiance of any living space. The interior, adorned with golden warmth and white marble, becomes a sanctuary where residents converge to savor not only their mutual company and culinary delights but also the beauty of their surroundings. These designs welcome the newcomers at the reception and invite them to enjoy the sense of opulence and atmosphere that infuse the space with refinement.

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, these decors boast practical benefits. The durability and low-maintenance needs of Kronospan HPL ensure that the furniture elements remain visually stunning and also functional and easy to upkeep, alleviating everyday duties for both residents and staff.

In collaboration with Bliestle Planung GmbH & Co. KG, the integration of these premium decors exemplifies a commitment to enhancing the retirement living experience. By embracing innovation and quality in design, the elderly are offered a haven where they can embrace the golden years with grace, pleasure, and joy.

Prečítajte si viac menej
  • Značka: Kronodesign®
  • Miesto: Wolfsburg, Germany
  • Kategória: Residential facilities
  • Rok realizácie: 2024
  • Interiérový dizajnér: Bliestle Planung GmbH & Co. KG
  • Zákazník: Schönes Leben Gruppe
Ostatné projekty
The high-rise living through modern lenses
Designing a Dynamic and Sustainable Environment for Children
Industriálny loft s nádychom minimalizmu
Residential complex for students and professionals
Konštrukcia drevených domov
Interiér luxusného hotela
Moderná rustikálna kuchyňa
Moderné mobilné domy s minimalistickým nádychom
Kadernícky salón
Tvorivá miestnosť
Módny obchod so športovým oblečením
Dizajn reštaurácie
Avantgardný dizajn kuchyne
Obytné interiéry s moderným vzhľadom
Svieža a relaxačná študentská reštaurácia
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