Designing a Dynamic and Sustainable Environment for Children

In the heart of Buchenweg in Norderstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, lays a daycare center meticulously created to cater to the needs of children while embracing sustainability and practicality. This visionary project, realized by werk.um architects from Darmstadt, showcases the seamless integration of Kronospan products, elevating both aesthetics and functionality.

At first glance, the kindergarten exudes joy and charm, with its facade adorned with small bursts of Kronoart® lively colors, welcoming children and parents alike into its cozy setting. Inside, the magic unfolds across different areas, each meant to serve as a dynamic space where imagination flourishes to foster interaction, communication, and relaxation in a safe kids’ environment.

One of the standout features of this project lies in its meticulous attention to detail. Practical interior design not only enhances the performance of the place, but it also contributes to the comfy atmosphere that permeates throughout. Corridors, bedrooms, washrooms, exercise, dining, and entertainment spaces are crafted to endure the rigors of daily use, offering a sense of reliability and amenity to both children and caregivers.

The choice of materials further reinforces the furniture durability and sustainability ethos of the project. Kronospan carbon-negative HPL-bonded boards and Compact Interior panels were selected for their resilience and application versatility. Offered in the Kronodesign® uni colors Dusk Blue, Sky Blue, Capri Blue, Lavender, and Mint, these materials inject a playful yet gentle personality into the space, enhancing the overall ambiance.

Beyond visual appeal, commitment to eco-conscious practices stands at the core of the daycare center’s design philosophy. The flat roof is equipped with PV system, harnessing solar energy to power the facility. The innovative construction methodology employed in this building utilizes a modular timber structure that allows for easy dismantling and relocation in the future, meeting the demands of the community it serves.

The use of Kronospan products in line with the circular economy and forward-thinking architectural principles contributes to a reduced environmental footprint while offering optimal comfort and a nurturing place where children can thrive and grow.

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  • Бренд: Kronodesign® Kronoart®
  • Местоположение: Norderstedt, Germany
  • Категория: Institutional
  • Год реализации: 2021
  • Архитектор: werk.um Botta Lückgen Steffen und Partner Architekten und Innenarchitekt baugewerbliche PartG mbB
  • Поставщик/дистрибьютор: bauXpert H. gr. Beilage
  • Подрядчик: Holzbau Brockhaus GmbH
  • Клиент: Stadt Norderstedt
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