Kronospan SAS

RN 77 - BP 377
89006 Auxerre cedex

Kronospan SAS

Zone Industrielle de Torcy
71210 Montchanin

A World of Design Possibilities ™. A range of contemporary, future oriented and high-quality wood-based panels, created to inspire designers, architects and craftsmen and bring originality and innovation to new interior projects around the world.

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Engineered to perform ™. Kronobuild products provide the construction and manufacturing industries with one of the most comprehensive ranges of wood-based panel products. All our boards are designed to improve building performance, with ranges that includes both structural and...

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Built to last ™. Created in close consultation with leading designers and architects, Kronoart is a high-quality product for long-lasting facade cladding applications. It offers you the ideal mix of design freedom, amazing durability and weatherproof resilience to create stunning...

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Integrated solution

As the world’s largest producer of wood-based panel products we are confident that we have the right board for every requirement.

The ongoing development of our products, our integrated operations and services form the basis for innovations and productivity improvements. And we are proud that our products are used in everything from furniture and flooring to timber-framed houses, building facades and construction.


A World of Design Possibilities ™. A range of contemporary, future oriented and high-quality wood-based panels, created to inspire designers, architects and craftsmen and bring originality and innovation to new interior...

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Engineered to perform ™. Kronobuild products provide the construction and manufacturing industries with one of the most comprehensive ranges of wood-based panel products. All our boards are designed to improve...

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Built to last ™. Created in close consultation with leading designers and architects, Kronoart is a high-quality product for long-lasting facade cladding applications. It offers you the ideal mix of design freedom,...

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