Harmony je nova kolekcija impresivno realističnih dekora s višedimenzionalnim sinkroniziranim reljefom.
Njihove teksture bez napora prate zavoje i linije drvnog dizajna, stvarajući besprijekoran sklad i vrhunski izgled i dojam.
PV Primavera Oak NEW
HU Hudson Oak
AD Arvadonna Chestnut

Available on both melamine-faced PB and MDF, Harmony decors are an ultra-realistic representation of oak and chestnut in various shades, with plenty of action in their vibrant patterns. Their remarkable level of detail and refinement is made possible by state-of-the-art digital printing technology, which ensures a flawless surface.

The unique repeat-free design of the latest Primavera decors across the entire 2800 x 2070 mm board makes them an excellent choice for large-scale installations, such as feature walls and statement furniture.

Primavera Oak
The Ultimate Elegance

Featuring a distinctive, veneer-like texture and a unique, no-repetition pattern across the whole board size, Primavera Oak redefines the traditional oak aesthetic. This product stands out in 4 unique shades of brown due to its ground-breaking embossing technology, which perfectly synchronizes the surface texture with the woodgrain pattern, resulting in a harmonious and authentic appearance that feels like real wood.

Hudson Oak
Impresivan nivo realizma

Tehnološki napredak podiže naš hrast Hudson na sve sofisticiranije razine realizma, koristeći slike visoke razlučivosti u kombinaciji s reljefnom teksturom koja savršeno odgovara drvetu.

Pet dekora ima duboke pukotine ispunjene tamnim kitom i usklađenu teksturu koja pomaže u postizanju rustikalnog i uravnoteženog izgleda.

Arvadonna Chestnut
Gigh-end izgled i osjećaj

Arvadonna Chestnut donosi novo značenje realizmu svojom višedimenzionalnom teksturom.
Bez napora prati zavoje i linije drva kestena stvarajući besprijekoran sklad.

Četiri dekora imaju impresivne sinkro-pore, bogate boje i valovitost koja prikazuje svu ljepotu kestena.