SELECT products.sku_id AS id, products.decore_collection_id, products.sku_has_sample, decores.border_around_image as border, products.top_decore_id, products.bottom_decore_id, products.core_material_id, products.core_material_title, products.top_decore_number, products.core_material_summary AS summary, decores_i18n.title, core_materials_i18n.description_s AS description_s, ( IF(products.collection_id, CASE product_collections.main_image WHEN '' THEN categories.main_image ELSE product_collections.main_image END, categories.main_image)) AS pictogram, CONCAT_WS(' / ', IF(top_texture_is_active = 1 AND top_texture_is_approved = 1, products.top_texture_abbreviation, NULL), IF(bottom_texture_is_active = 1 AND bottom_texture_is_approved = 1, products.bottom_texture_abbreviation, NULL)) AS abbreviations, CONCAT_WS(' - ', CONCAT_WS(' / ', IF(top_decore_is_active = 1 AND top_decore_is_approved = 1, products.top_decore_number, NULL), IF(bottom_decore_is_active = 1 AND bottom_decore_is_approved = 1, products.bottom_decore_number, NULL), IF(top_texture_is_active = 1 AND top_texture_is_approved = 1, products.top_texture_abbreviation, NULL), IF(bottom_texture_is_active = 1 AND bottom_texture_is_approved = 1, products.bottom_texture_abbreviation, NULL)), products.core_material_title) AS product_title, decores.search_image AS image, IF(top_decore_is_active = 1 AND top_decore_is_approved = 1, products.top_decore_number, NULL) AS top_decore_number, IF(bottom_decore_is_active = 1 AND bottom_decore_is_approved = 1, products.bottom_decore_number, NULL) AS bottom_decore_number, IF(top_texture_is_active = 1 AND top_texture_is_approved = 1, products.top_texture_abbreviation, NULL) AS top_texture_abbreviation, IF(bottom_texture_is_active = 1 AND bottom_texture_is_approved = 1, products.bottom_texture_abbreviation, NULL) AS bottom_texture_abbreviation, IF(top_texture_is_active = 1 AND top_texture_is_approved = 1, products.top_texture_attached_image, NULL) AS top_texture_attached_image, IF(bottom_texture_is_active = 1 AND bottom_texture_is_approved = 1, products.bottom_texture_attached_image, NULL) AS bottom_texture_attached_image, IF(top_texture_is_active = 1 AND top_texture_is_approved = 1, textures_top.summary, NULL) AS top_texture_summary, IF(bottom_texture_is_active = 1 AND bottom_texture_is_approved = 1, textures_bottom.summary, NULL) AS bottom_texture_summary, IF(bottom_texture_is_active = 1 AND bottom_texture_is_approved = 1, textures_bottom.title, textures_top.title) as fullname FROM `products` INNER JOIN core_materials_i18n ON core_materials_i18n.i18n_foreign_key = products.core_material_id AND core_materials_i18n.i18n_country_language_id = products.i18n_country_language_id INNER JOIN categories ON = products.family_id LEFT JOIN categories AS product_collections ON = products.collection_id LEFT JOIN decores ON = products.top_decore_id LEFT JOIN decores_i18n ON decores_i18n.i18n_foreign_key = LEFT JOIN decores AS decores_top ON = products.top_decore_id LEFT JOIN decores AS decores_bottom ON = products.bottom_decore_id LEFT JOIN textures_i18n AS textures_top ON textures_top.i18n_foreign_key = products.top_texture_id AND textures_top.i18n_country_language_id = products.i18n_country_language_id LEFT JOIN textures_i18n AS textures_bottom ON textures_bottom.i18n_foreign_key = products.bottom_texture_id AND textures_bottom.i18n_country_language_id = products.i18n_country_language_id WHERE products.i18n_country_language_id = 22 AND decores_i18n.i18n_country_language_id = 22 AND core_materials_i18n.is_active = 1 AND core_materials_i18n.is_approved = 1 AND products.sku_is_active = 1 AND products.sku_is_approved = 1 AND products.category_is_active = 1 AND products.category_is_approved = 1 AND(products.family_id = 0 OR(products.family_is_active = 1 AND products.family_is_approved = 1))AND(products.collection_id = 0 OR(products.collection_is_active = 1 AND products.collection_is_approved = 1))AND((top_texture_id = 53 AND top_texture_is_active = 1 AND top_texture_is_approved = 1)OR(bottom_texture_id = 53 AND bottom_texture_is_active = 1 AND bottom_texture_is_approved = 1)) GROUP BY products.sku_id ORDER BY decores_i18n.order_weight DESC
Server shutdown in progressSELECT assigned_to_texture_id AS id, textures.abbreviation, textures_i18n.summary, products.core_material_main_image, CONCAT(textures_i18n.title, ' - ', textures.abbreviation) AS title, IF(products.top_decore_attached_image IS NOT NULL, products.top_decore_attached_image, products.bottom_decore_attached_image) AS main_image FROM `textures`INNER JOIN `textures_i18n` ON (`textures`.`id` = `textures_i18n`.`i18n_foreign_key` AND `textures_i18n`.`i18n_country_language_id` = 22) INNER JOIN textures_textures ON = textures_textures.assigned_to_texture_id INNER JOIN products ON (products.top_decore_id = OR products.bottom_decore_id = AND products.i18n_country_language_id = textures_i18n.i18n_country_language_id WHERE textures_textures.texture_id = 53 AND(textures_i18n.is_active = 1 AND textures_i18n.is_approved = 1) GROUP BY, products.top_decore_id
MySQL server has gone awaySELECT COUNT(*) AS agg_result FROM `news`INNER JOIN `news_i18n` ON (`news`.`id` = `news_i18n`.`i18n_foreign_key` AND `news_i18n`.`i18n_country_language_id` = 22) WHERE is_active = 1 AND is_approved = 1 LIMIT 1
MySQL server has gone away PH Palazzo Touch - textures - Kronospan

Palazzo Touch - PH

Inspiriert durch klassischen Marmor und Specksteinstrukturen, spiegelt die Zweiglanzoberfläche die natürlichen Spalten und Vertiefungen mit einer polierten, wachsartigen Haptik wieder.

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